Thursday, 10 December 2015

Chakutumaini (My Hope) Lyrics by Martha

(Sung in Swahili)

uuhh Chakutumaini, mimi sina, ila hiyo damu
(My hope is built on nothing less, Than Jesus’ blood)

Chakutumaini sina (My hope is built on nothing less)
Ila damu yake Bwana (Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness)
Sina wema wa kutosha (I dare not trust the sweetest frame)
Dhambi zangu kuziosha (But wholly lean on Jesus’ name)

Kwake Yesu nasimama (On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand)
Ndiye mwamba ni salama (All other ground is sinking sand)
Ndiye mwamba ni salama (All other ground is sinking sand)
Ndiye mwamba ni salama (All other ground is sinking sand)

Njia yangu iwe ndefu (When darkness veils His lovely face)
Ye hunipa wokovu (I rest on His unchanging grace;)
Mawimbi yakinipiga (In every high and stormy gale)
Nguvu ndizo nanga (My anchor holds within the veil)


Nikiitwa hukumuni (When He shall come with trumpet sound)
Rohoni nina amani (Oh, may I then in Him be found)
Nikivikwa haki yake (Dressed in His righteousness alone)
Sina hofu mbele zake (Faultless to stand before the throne)


Damu yako na ahadi (Your promises and blood)
Nategemea daima (Support me in the whelming flood)
Yote chini yakiisha (When all around my soul gives way)
Mwokozi atanitosha (He then is all my hope and stay)


(Verse 1)


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