Thursday, 10 December 2015

Kweli (Truly) Lyrics by Joyce Omondi ft. Kepha

Kweli (Truly) Lyrics by Joyce Omondi ft. Kepha

(Sung in Swahili)

Jeri, Jeri (Surely)
Mungu Baba nimeona mkono wako (Father God I’ve seen your hand)
Nimejawa na furaha na amani (I’m filled with joy and peace)
Wanishangaza na yote umenitendea (I’m amazed by your blessings)
Kweli Baba fadhili zako ni za milele (Father truly your mercies are forever)

Kweli kweli eh/oh (Truly, truly )
Hakuna mpendwa kama wewe (There’s no Love like yours) (Repeat)
Oh Jeri Mulungu ni muto sana (Oh truly, God is good)
Mulungu ni muto sana (God is good)

Wakati wa shida wanifariji ndani yako (In times of trouble, you comfort me)
Mwokozi wangu kimbilio, (mtetezi wangu we) (My savior, my fortress, my defender)
Umeniweza pendo gani hili (I’m overwhelmed, what manner of love is this?)
Niwe wanje Muye Yesu kweli, yeye yu mwema (I’ve tasted of the Lord, he is good)

Watenda majabu, hakuna kama wewe (You do great things, no one is like you)
Ni wewe mkuu, ni wewe mkuu (You are great, you are great)
Watenda miujiza, hakuna kama wewe (You do miracles, no one is like you)
Ni wewe mkuu, ni wewe mkuu (You are great, you are great)

Kweli ni wewe, milele ni wewe tu (Truly, forever you alone)
Pokea sifa Baba wastahili (Deserve all the praise Father)
Milele ni wewe tu (Forever it’s you)

Nitakuinua, nitakuabudu (I will lift you, I will worship you)
Nitakuchezea kwa moyo wangu wote (I will dance to you with all my heart)

Yesu malo, pokea sifa malo (Jesus be lifted, receive praise)
Wastahili malo, nakuabudu malo (You deserve it, I worship you)
Malo malo (juu juu) (Higher, higher)

Amekutendea mema yo (He’s been good to you)
Amenitendea mema ye (He’s been good to me)

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